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Inference for an Algorithmic Fariness-Accuracy Frontier, with Yiqi Liu, February 2024.

Information Based Inference in Models with Set-Valued Predictions and Misspecification, with Hiroaki Kaido, January 2024.

Job Hunting: A Costly Quest, with Domenico Ferraro, Nir Jaimovich and Cristobal Young, November 2022. Revision requested by AEJ: Macro.

Best linear approximations to set identified functions: with an application to the gender wage gap, with Arun G. Chandrasekhar, Victor Chernozhukov, and Paul Schrimpf, December 2018. Revision requested by Quantitative Economics. The paper supercedes CeMMAP Working Papers # CWP43/12.

Calibrated Projection in MATLAB: Users' Manual, with Hiroaki Kaido, Joerg Stoye, and Matt Thirkettle. October 2017.


Identification and Inference for Pure Random Coefficients Models with Limited Consideration, with Levon Barseghyan.

A Simple Test for Sign Congruence, with Doug Miller and Joerg Stoye.

Simple Inference for Constrained Optima, with Hiroaki Kaido and Joerg Stoye.

Sharp Identification Regions for Network Formation Models with Bounded Depth and Degree, with Abhishek Ananth.

Effort Provision in a Social Coding Platform: Evidence from GitHub, with Levon Barseghyan, Matt Thirkettle, and Sida Peng

Computational Methods for Partially Identified Models via Data Augmentation and Support Vector Machines, with Haim Bar.

Estimating Risk Preferences under Moral Hazard, with Levon Barseghyan.

Bracketing and Risk Preferences: Identification and Estimation in Field Data, with Levon Barseghyan, T. O'Donoghue and Josh Teitelbaum.

This research was in part supported by the National Science Foundation through a series of grants from 2006-2014 and 2018-present. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in these materials are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Contact Information

Francesca Molinari
H. T. Warshow and Robert Irving Warshow Professor
458 Uris Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853

E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (607) 255-6367
Fax: (607) 255-2818